Saturday, September 12, 2009

My 30 Day Fast - Results

I finished up a 30 day water only fast last month. I started back on mostly juices and soups. My health had been pretty poor for quite a while. While I was the manager at the firm I formerly worked for, I was going on adrenaline at a break neck speed for so long it was ridiculous. I was told more than once that if I didn’t slow down and start taking better care of myself I would most likely have a stroke or heart attack. Fun news, huh? So finally after being gone from there for close to 3 months (it will be 3 months next Monday) I have had to come face to face with getting me healthy again. I found myself crashing like crazy - no energy and just felt rough with no adrenaline or insanity to keep me pushing to the ridiculous. I was totally tired of being sick and without energy. It is terrible to feel you are stuck & have to live like that! (Fast forward for a second: I don’t have to live like that anymore! Woohoo!)

After a lot of prayer & research I ended up going on a 30 day water fast. It was pretty brutal at times but somehow I did it. In between the brutal sickness of my body ridding itself of toxins I would have surges of energy and able to get things done. I found health issues improving significantly. I had so much hope that I could get my “life” back & be the vibrant woman full of energy that I was just a few short years ago. Well I learned so much about myself during the fast. But one thing that I just found this last few days is that I am allergic to the preservatives/chemicals in non-organic foods! As long as I juiced and ate organic I was fine, felt great. But as soon as I ran out of my organic and started using “regular” foods again I started having all my health issues return in a big way!Long story short I have found as long as I eat organic and whole foods (+ washing vegis & fruits well before juicing or eating) I am fine and feel great. But when I ate “regular” (non-organic) soups etc., I got so sick for literally hours, culminating into days! No energy and extremely sick with headaches, cramps, swelling, just awful stuff. After feeling so much better after the fast, all of a sudden I was miserable again, it was scary, sad and terribly upsetting. I couldn’t believe that simply by eating non-organic foods, including my nutrisystem foods left over from prior to the fast would make me so sick, lethargic and achy again. I felt horrible & slept for hours, I was hurting and so sick! I realized what it was!!! I may have never known how much the chemicals & preservatives were hurting me if it hadn’t been for the fast. I have now replenished my organic food and whole foods and am doing great again! Wow it feels good to feel good again! :)I felt it important to post this as so many people are exhausted all the time and have headaches and on & on. I got to the point where it was all very severe. Again, I would have never known these preservatives and chemicals were so much of the catalysts of my problems (in addition to the excess weight) if I hadn’t gone on the fast and “discovered” it in the aftermath of it. It has been a rough few weeks but I am so grateful I have discovered what I have about myself for my ongoing journey to health & wholeness. I hope there are those here that will consider trying whole foods and organic foods for a while and see if you feel better too!

Final word: People talk about how expensive it is to eat organic, but it costs a whole lot more in lost energy and health conditions to eat the garbage stuff our society has become so accustomed to and we have forced our bodies to try and use as fuel. It is like trying to run our vehicle on water with a little gas in it… it won’t work very well and eventually the vehicle will get “sick” and break down. I am not preaching to anyone… but I am reporting that I am amazed at the difference in myself even at this point when I eat organic & whole foods (whole grains, fresh produce, etc.) versus eat what is thought to be “normal”. I never ever thought I would be so sold on this way of eating. I will still have my splurge meals once a week. But wow what a difference it makes for me to eat organic and whole foods 98% of the time! I am genuinely amazed by all this! Well, gotta run! …Back to “working” to get myself some income coming in! Blessings to All! :)

My 30 Day Water Fast - Perceptions

Sometimes I look for answers in the powerful rushing wild rivers, when it actually lies in a small gentle stream barely tumbling over the rocks in a hidden little cove. Recently I have been in a phase that involved extended fasting on my quest to get my health back & reclaim my life. This was the first time in many many years that I had even attempted a fast of more than a few days and to be honest after a couple weeks I began to whine to the Lord. I felt deprived at times, hopeful at times, but overall I just wanted to eat something! I realized that my flesh is very strong about what it wants! To deny the flesh… Whew not that easy of a thing for me. I would occasionally get frustrated with myself at how much of a struggle I felt through especially the last couple weeks of the fast. Funny because the whole time, though I prayed and told the Lord it was as much a spiritual fast as a fast for my health… I felt like it was pretty much about “me”.

However, it was at the times where I was the most frustrated and deplete that I would cry out to God in frustration. In those moments it was like the red sea parting… All the “stuff” simply parted and I was left with the most humbled me crying out to HIM, completely vulnerable with realization that within myself alone there was not a whole lot I actually could control in my life anyway! In those moments it was no longer about “me”. In those moments it was about HIM and about the people I felt led to pray for, to lay at His feet. It is hard to explain what happened in the final period… The toughest period in the flesh… But somehow in that time of struggle and vulnerability and frustration I would come to that end of “me” and end up somehow headlong in HIS presence, without my even being conscience of it, HE was doing things, changing lives, changing me, changing others… All of a sudden I began to see some break-throughs happening. It stunned me. Things I had prayed for, for quite some time and all of a sudden different people were reporting break-throughs. I was and am astounded at God’s love and care for those HE loves. Here I was crying out in my struggles and only in getting to the point of forgetting myself and lost in just crying out to HIM did things truly begin to happen. And that is when I “got it”. THAT is what fasting is supposed to be about… About coming to the end of you, only then can GOD really take HIS most powerful place without human interference!

I have the movie “Seabiscuit” on right now. I almost turned it off a couple of times in the first hour or so. It was slow moving and I guess I was looking for more immediate gratification. But something said keep watching… It has become an experience this movie. It is an awesome thing to see people arise from hurt and pain and even in inability to be all we should be, to come to a place that without even realizing it, we shine in our most humbling moment(s). The movie is about triumph for the humble, the common, the unlikely winner. In a way I think that is what GOD is about. HE is about breathing life into the foolish things (like me…) and using this old clay pot even when there are beautifully glazed vessels HE could choose to use instead. Isn’t that amazing… It boggles my mind. I don’t have to be the perfect expensive vessel to be used by the King of Kings. He is the not only the King of Kings but also the King of Hearts. The King of my heart who has chosen to use a humble, misshapen clay vessel. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for this God whom not only do I love but the mysteries of all mysteries… HE loves me. Can you imagine such a thing? HE loves me… Wow… HE loves you as well… Take it in because therein is the source of life and hope and love… HE is amazing this God of love…